The Director-General,  National Space Research and Development Agency NASRDA, Dr. Halilu Ahmad Shaba, has reiterated the need to have science and technology demystified and communicated in Nigerian local languages to help younger generation allay the fear for turnschuhe herren nike laufschuhe gel under armour fußballschuhe grün lederhandschuhe fetisch

He made the statement during the presentation of the operational licence of the Nigerian Science Technology and Innovation Television (NSTI TV) and report on Rebranding of the agency by the Department of Media and Corporate Communications led by the Director, Dr. Felix Ale.
Dr. Shaba who congratulated Dr. Ale and his team for the swift procurement of the operational licence of the NSTI TV, said the station will serve as a platform, to inspire young Nigerians to be receptive towards Science, technology engineering and Mathematics programmes, as well as an avenue to inform the general public on the activities of the Space Agency and that of the Federal Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation.
The DG also commended the efforts of the committee in charge of the ‘Rebranding NASRDA Report’, led by Mr. Kester Otoibi, for a well detailed report saying immediate action on the recommendations will be taken.
The NASRDA boss urged the media team to remain dogged in the delivery of their responsibilities to uphold the mandate of the Agency, and assiduously work in developing a sustainable work system, for the betterment of NASRDA.
He therefore pledged his support towards the training and retraining of members of staff which according to him is necessary to accomplish the vision of the NSTI TV.
In his remarks, the Director, Media and Corporate Communications Department, Dr. Felix Ale, appreciated the DG for his trust and unrelenting efforts in fast tracking the process of the operational licence, adding that it would not have been possible without his support.
Dr. Ale while giving a brief history of the NSTI TV, highlighted the role that the Director-General played in procuring  both the provisional and operational licences of the station, stating that the licence is the first in its category, dedicated to the promotion of Science, Technology and Innovation in the whole of Nigeria and Africa.
The NASRDA spokesman however urged members of the media team to remain united in purpose and see to the propagation of the strategic position NASRDA occupies, as its activities  are woven into the fabric of all other sectors in the country.
Members of management staff present at the event also gave their congratulatory and goodwill messages while encouraging the media team to maintain a healthy culture of work ethics in telling the agency’s stories to the general public.
Below are sights from The event.
Ninma Yacim
Media and Corporate Communications.

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