The Director General National Space Research and Development Agency, Dr Halilu Shaba has said that continuous interaction with practitioners in the field of geo-statistics will expose the agency to relevant areas of operations for collaboration and maximum results.
He made this remark when playing host to a delegation from the Statistics Division of United Nations in partnership with World Bank during a courtesy visit to the Agency’s headquarters in Abuja.
Dr Shaba while appreciating the delegation for the visit said the concept of Geo-spatial information and geo-statistics is so broad and meetings like this will expose use cases for essential constructive engagement that will push forward agenda to serve the statistical world.
He expressed the Agency’s receptiveness towards solution driven establishments adding that NASRDA with its crop of expertise is open to collaborations and contributions that will benefit the end users experience, and the project at large.
The NASRDA boss noted that despite the fact that the year is coming to an end, further collaborations will give the Agency head ups for improvement in the year 2023.
In his remarks, the head of the delegation, Mr Bram Eden, from System of Environmental Economic Accounting Statistics Division of the United Nations who appreciated the Director General for his hospitality and warm reception, said the United Nations in partnership with World bank is supporting countries like Nigeria in compiling natural capital accounts and making relevant data available to end users.
He described the visit to the Agency as important adding that NASRDA is a stakeholder and have available data they can utilize for statistics and geospatial information.
The System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) is a global assessment of environmental economic accounting and supporting statistics that aimed at assessing the progress of implementation in countries and provide data for SDG’s Indicators.
Joy Opaluwa
Media and Corporate Communications

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