The Director General, National Space Research and Development Agency NASRDA, Dr. Halilu Ahmad Shaba has commended the efforts of the Innovation, Commercialization and Industrialisation committee of the Space Agency for ensuring result-oriented engagement with experts and relevant stakeholders in the actualization of the Nigerian Space Programme.
Dr. Shaba made this commendation while signing of the  Memorandum of Understanding MoU, between NASRDA and Robotics Artificial Intelligence Nigeria limited, RAIN, at the headquarters in Abuja.
The NASRDA boss who appreciated the contributions and resilience of the Managing Director and founder, RAIN Ltd, in the development of Science, Technology and Innovation in the country, further stated that the Space Agency was willing to engage in partnership with RAIN Ltd in the manufacturing of drones and in robotics that can share intelligence, provide surveillance and real-time data.
He added that the agency will also collaborate with the company in the aspect of training and capacity building which according to him, will help in the area of human development and enhancement of critical thinking that will continue to provide solutions to the myriad of challenges confronting  the country.
The NASRDA helmsman who referred to the relationship between the two teams as unique further charged both parties of the agreement to come up with ideas and innovations that are largely dependent on raw materials domicile in Nigeria in other to develop solutions that are relatively cost-effective and easily accessible by Nigerians.
He said the Space agency boasts of twelve engineering teams who are currently working on the development of drones in addition to a well-equipped laboratory which is mainly dedicated for drones.
He promised to provide all the necessary support that is required in making the working relationship of both teams fruitful, including the provision of office space and facilities that will help to deepen the relationship and promote efficiency during the period of their partnership.
In his presentation the Managing Director and founder of the Robotics Artificial Intelligence Nigeria limited (RAIN) Dr Olushola Ayoola described his company’s visit to NASRDA as a very auspicious engagement that will reflect positively in the advancement of Science, Technology and Innovation in the country.
Dr. Ayoola who commended the efforts made by the partnership committee, said he is looking forward to a robust relationship that will not only be for the mutual benefits of the parties involved but for the country at large.
He went further to outline the objectives of RAIN Ltd to include but not limited to ,the development of a robust curriculum in robotics and drones, the development of skilled workforce through practical training with live objects, and also to promote technological advancement through ground breaking research in drones and robotics.
He also stated that the proposed collaboration between NASRDA and RAIN will ensure the receipt of briefs from NASRDA on cogent areas for solutions and prototyping, the provision and involvement of 10 NASA approved researchers and also ensure report updates which will be on quarterly basis.
Dr. Ayoola concluded by stressing the need for healthy collaboration amongst research institutions and agencies of government, adding that the use of home-grown technology will restore peace to the nation, boost export activities and secure the future of jobs for the teeming population of the country.
Daniel Abdullahi
Media and Corporate communications.

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