The Director General, National Space Research and Development Agency, Dr. Halilu Ahmad Shaba has emphasized the need for effective service delivery to humanity especially in the area of Health, Education and leadership for the promotion of integrity and peace around the world.
Dr. Shaba made this statement while receiving management of the Rotary club Abuja Metro at the Agency’s headquarters in Abuja.
The NASRDA boss who commended the activities of the Rotary club in providing services to humanity and being a beacon of hope to human existence, explained that NASRDA is a special purpose vehicle that is meant to provide strategic support to public and government entities in the realization of their goals.
Dr. Shaba who further stated that NASRDA is a Government institution established to enhance the quality of life of Nigerians through the application of space technology, also declared NASRDA’s corporate membership of the Rotary club and pledged support for her activities.
He therefore urged the members of the club to continue in their good works and service to humanity and assured them of strategic partnership aimed towards the actualization of goals in line with global best practice.
The Head of the delegation and President of the Rotary club of Abuja, Rotarian Ifeanyi Nwodu, in his remarks appreciated the Director General for the warm reception, and thanked him for accepting the award conferred on him by the club.
The president stated that the purpose of their visit was to establish partnership and participation of NASRDA in their corporate membership thereby giving a leeway for involvement by members of staff of the Agency.
While enumerating some of the activities of the club within Abuja, he said the development of a school, provision of borehole, and Primary Health Centre among others have impacted the lives of the people living in the communities, and the positive feedback they have gotten spurs them to continue to do more.
Rotary Club is one of the many globally recognized humanitarian organization, and the only Non-Governmental Organization sitting in the United Nations today.
Grace Jacob,
Press Officer II

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